
Victim Support

Danny Green’s Stop the Coward Punch Campaign has been established to drive national change in Australian culture through increased awareness and education around the consequences of coward punch attacks and to ultimately end the scourge.

We are not qualified to provide professional advice; legal or otherwise, diagnosis nor treatment. Please see below for contact details and links to various support services which we hope will be of assistance.

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Support Services Australia

tas gov

How can counselling help?

The way counselling can help will depend on the person receiving the treatment. For many, the fact that counselling offers a safe and confidential environment to speak in is all it takes. In life, what we say to others can sometimes have a knock-on effect, altering relationships and the way people see each other. Counselling eliminates this problem and offers you the space and freedom to explore your own thoughts with an unbiased party.


Whilst counsellors may not give you concrete advice or a checklist of things to do to feel better, what they will do is help you uncover your own insight and understanding of your problems providing you with the tools which will help you solve them on your own.


In the majority of cases, a single session may not be enough to help overcome any issues you’re facing. Counselling is a journey, and it takes time and consistency to work effectively. Because of this many people opt for regular counselling sessions to make the most of the process.


Counselling can help you understand yourself better and the way you think, which will ultimately help you develop a clearer understanding of your problems. The more armed with information you are, the easier it gradually becomes to navigate your way through any difficulties you are facing so that eventually you can come out the other side feeling more positive. Counselling can also help you understand other people’s point of view, which can shed light onto the ways in which you interpret words or actions.

James Macready-Bryan Foundation

The JMB Foundation was set up in February 2007 and has two main aims: to provide financial support for care and rehabilitation, not only for James, but also for other young sufferers of an acquired brain injury (ABI); and to give a public voice to those young people 

– who all too often literally cannot speak for themselves – and to their families and carers.

Find information about government benefits and payments for people with disability and their carers.

This resource is designed to take you along the often foggy road from the acute care system back to the community. There are a number of services and funding packages that may be available to you, however, there is often a disconnect between the people who need the help and those who are providing the help. This website aims to bridge this gap.
(Some of this information is Queensland specific, however most is relevant Australia-wide.)

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