Now is the time
to save lives

Since 2000, over 172 Australian’s have lost

their lives to coward punches.

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The effects a coward punch has on the community

Source: Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine


Fatalities are 18-71 with median of 43.
The perpetrators who throw a coward
punch have an age range 15 – 69 | Median 26

55% of fatal victims are unknown to the perpetrator, however 42% of those died by the hands of someone they knew

Though education and awareness we can decease coward punch attacks in the community.

Let’s Stop the Coward Punch

38% of Coward Punches end with a fatality

Danny is on a mission to eliminate the Coward Punch from our society and save lives in the process

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Coward Punch

VIFM Data on coward punches show the true impact of this growing scourge on our community. 


of survivors suffer significant impact on their quality of life after a coward punch attack


of survivors require surgical intervention involving extensive facial & skull reconstruction

For Victims

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