Danny Green’s campaign to Stop the Coward Punch sees phenomenal success

In a boxing career which includes punching Anthony Mundine repeatedly, it’s incredible to think that Danny Green’s most important achievement is one of words, not violence.

Green’s campaign to replace the term ‘King Hit’ with ‘Cowards Punch’ has been an extraordinary success and the retired boxer has kicked off the inaugural Coward’s Punch Week, which highlights the devastating consequences of senseless violence.

“To change the vernacular in society in that short time, and to have now judges and magistrates handing down sentences referencing the term ‘cowards punch’, front page newspapers, lead stories, radio, TV using the term Cowards Punch, it’s so simple,” The Green Machine tells Marko and The Ox on Macquarie Sports Radio.

“It’s been a long road but to have that term replace those words which glorified the act, it’s a simple but powerful tool to attach a negative connotation to a hideous offence,”

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